Saturday, January 31, 2009


I have to post this photograph of the beautiful snow scenery from Colorado. Snow covered mountains and valleys are just a memory now. I am back at sea-level Poquoson and finally not feeling so out of breath by merely walking a few steps!  All that snow and cold weather (or the air travel with a few sniffly fellow passengers) did take a toll on me and now I am nursing a cold and flu. As I spent the day cuddled on the sofa with hot tea, surfing and catching up with e-mails and news etc I came across this NPR story explaining the biology and physics of a runny nose.  But it doesn't matter and I will happily stay out and explore the quiet and beauty of snow and take photographs again.  


TSL said...

The photos are awesome! But I am terribly sorry to read you are sick, I hope recovery comes fast for you. I want to say congratulations on 35 years of marriage, that is wonderful, and also to say I love your horseshoe crabs. Use to see those in my childhood on the coast after we had a storm. They always were on the beach like that. Feel better soon!

Meera Rao said...

Thank you very much! I really enjoyed taking pics of the snow and the mountains. And the crabs were fun to draw too.

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