"Nature-deficit disorder" is a word I came across in the latest Audubon magazine. According to John Flicker, author Richard Louv, in his acclaimed book Last Child in the Woods, coined the phrase "to describe an array of health, education, and environmental-awareness problems afflicting children who lack outdoor experiences." I didn't know that phrase existed when I painted ' Irony' a few years ago. I had encountered an adult who freaked out and screamed 'BUG' upon seeing a beautiful, plant friendly lady bug crawling around. That became the basis for this painting that explored opposing concepts. As soon as I heard her yell I knew I had a subject matter for my next painting. I was glad to note in the article that Richard Louv "launched Children and Nature Network, a coalition of people working on environmental, health and education issues who recognize the importance of outdoor activities for children and promote efforts to reconnect kids with nature." I hope we as humans will learn to live and let live with all of nature.
Irony watercolor, 30" x 22"
hi meera, lovely painting and lovlier text.You seem to a avid reader.You also philosophise a lot.I think it has something to do with indian spiritual learnings.You are sensitive to your surroudings and you find subjects for your paintings through
it.Very interesting proces for me.I think for indoor painters, this must be very useful approach.
Hi Meera,
This is a beautiful painting, I like your description.
What a great message in a beautiful painting. I am eing your blog again and will be back.
I am tickled that you all take time to visit my blog AND leave such nice comments --Thanks!!!
Sanjeev, yes- I love to read and its too true for me that there are "so many books -so little time !" Lots of days its a tug of war between reading and painting! I do see art as an intrinsic part of my life in all different ways. And, I guess I tend to think out loud in my blog!!
Mike, Thank you for visiting my blog and for your comments. I agree that its important to think about how we intereact with the environment too. As with everything,there is 'sacred grey area' in the decisions we make - and issues don't present themselves as just black and white.
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