Monday, July 13, 2020

Regret & Meltdown!

Regret Mixed media By Meera Rao

I am very excited that Regret was one of 29 works selected for the Capitol Hill Art league show 'Meltdown' by Juror John Coppola, former Director of the Office of Exhibits Central at the Smithsonian Institution. 

Juror John Coppola’s Statement: “Edgar Degas pointedly said, Art isn’t what you see. It’s what you make others see.  In selecting works for this exhibition, I focused on submissions that made me–and I hope, those who see the exhibition online–look at our current state of affairs in all its complexity and uncertainty from differing points of view. Hats off to the CHAL artists who pushed through the pandemic and social unrest to create art.  Frankly, it was better than I did: My drafting table is cluttered with notes and sketches for work I never quite got to. Thanks both to the Capitol Hill Art League for inviting me to jury “Meltdown,” and to the participating artists who got me to re-engage with art!”

I attended (my first ever) Zoom Art Reception for the show on June 27th ! The paintings can be seen on the online gallery Capitol Hill Art league website. There is also a short video clip of Juror's statement at the reception. Interestingly, the theme for the show was chosen over a year ago before all the pandemic chaos!  
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