"Nature-deficit disorder" is a word I came across in the latest Audubon magazine. According to John Flicker, author Richard Louv, in his acclaimed book Last Child in the Woods, coined the phrase "to describe an array of health, education, and environmental-awareness problems afflicting children who lack outdoor experiences." I didn't know that phrase existed when I painted ' Irony' a few years ago. I had encountered an adult who freaked out and screamed 'BUG' upon seeing a beautiful, plant friendly lady bug crawling around. That became the basis for this painting that explored opposing concepts. As soon as I heard her yell I knew I had a subject matter for my next painting. I was glad to note in the article that Richard Louv "launched Children and Nature Network, a coalition of people working on environmental, health and education issues who recognize the importance of outdoor activities for children and promote efforts to reconnect kids with nature." I hope we as humans will learn to live and let live with all of nature.
Irony watercolor, 30" x 22"