Monday, February 1, 2010

Snow Blanket

Sunrise over frozen waters and a blanket of snow greeted me this morning. I spent some time taking pictures through the windows - I did not want to disturb the snow and didn't want to leave the warmth of indoors. I was contemplating what snow scene I should paint, but soon I was feeling nostalgic as I reminisced about the snowmen, forts and games my kids played and the various adventures they had with their friends with, of course, regular hot cocoa breaks in my kitchen only a few years ago.

Soon I was chuckling remembering Calvin's explanation to Hobbes regarding snow as his medium of art in a comic strip that was on my refrigerator for a few years "This sculpture is about transience. As this figure melts, it invites the viewer to contemplate evanescence of life. This piece speaks to the horror of our own mortality." I am a fan of Calvin's creativity and here is a link for collection of the comic strips featuring his brilliant and bizarre snow art. " I tell you Hobbes, its tough being the sole guardian of high culture"


Kathy Staicer said...

Absolutely beautiful photo.

Meera Rao said...

Kathy, thank you --nothing like being in the right place at the right time!!! said...

Lovely photo - do the snow painting, I want to look at it while I'm basking in the sun.

Meera Rao said...

Thank you for your comments and I too like looking at the snow while staying warm indoors!

Nick said...

what a gorgeous shot!

Meera Rao said...

Thank you Nick!

B said...

What a lovely place u live in Meera

Meera Rao said...

Thank you B, I am indeed fortunate and forever grateful for the beauty around.

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