Monday, December 29, 2014

Endings and Beginnings

Photography by Meera Rao 

While considered by the ancient Aztecs to be symbols of purity,
 in today's language of flowers
 red, white or pink poinsettias, the December  flower, 
symbolize good cheer and success
and are said to bring wishes of mirth and celebration. 

So here's to endings and beginnings !


Carol Blackburn said...

Hi Meera, I hope 2015 is a wonderful year for you. :)

padmaja said...

This is a mind blowing piece Meera, what a fabulous start for the year!

Lisa Graham said...

I wish you a very happy 2015 dear Meera! Your photo is beautiful and I loved your umbrella sketch in the last post.

hmuxo said...

Outstanding photography, Meera.
Happy New Year! I also enjoyed seeing your painting of your granddaughter with the umbrella.
Wonderful colors!!!

Sadami said...

Dear Meera, thank you for a beatufiul photo and a thoughtful writing, lovely. I hope 2015 will be a wonderful year for you!! Best wishes, Sadami

Meera Rao said...

Thank you Carol! I wish you the same :)

Meera Rao said...

Padmaja, I am touched! Thank you. Wish you a wonderful year ahead. I really appreciate your support throughout the year :)

Meera Rao said...

Lisa, Thank you and I wish you a great year too! I am so glad you also liked the umbrella sketch of my granddaughter :)

Meera Rao said...

@hmuxo, thank you very much! your comments are much appreciated and I also wish you a wonderful year ahead.

Meera Rao said...

Sadami, thank you very much and I wish you a wonderful year ahead too! You are always so supportive and that means a lot to me :) thanks again.

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