My Passions sketch by Meera Rao
I want to sketch something everyday but there are days when my muse doesn't show up or sometimes life gets in the way! Once in a while I will check daily painters lists for ideas. 'My Passions' came about when I combined two different such lists. One listed sketch your hobby; sketch an heirloom said another . I decided to combine the two :I would sketch an heirloom and add my camera review pane around it ! I am feeling very clever and pleased :)
This sketch was done in couple of months ago and I did not post it then. I am in India now, my annual visit to take care my Mother-in-law. I am unable to post the sketches done here as google platform and microsoft PC seem to be at odds when it comes to posting photograpahs :( Blogger won't recognize crops and edits done in Windows and I can't seem to import into Picasa to do my edits there to upload to the blog!!! I hope I will find a solution soon or I will have to wait till I get back to my own computer to post my sketch book.
I am trying something new this time - using Moleskine Japanese style accordion sketchbooks in two different sizes. The smaller one that folds into 5.5x3.5" is almost full. I love how it unfolds and I can vary the width of my sketches depending on the subject and how the sketches are not in isolation but run into each other reflecting life itself. I am excited about how it feels and can't wait to post them. I hope I will know more about how to work this computer soon!!!! As the saying goes :Thunderstorms are as much our friends as the sunshine.” ― Criss Jami Challenges make life interesting and I am banking on being a bit more computer savvy by the end of it!!!
Clever and lovely Meera, now look forward to see more from your India stay!
You have captured the metallic sheen and texture really well. Beautiful painting and a really good idea.
I'm looking forward to seeing the accordion sketch book, that sounds like a fun project and would be fascinating to see. I like the idea of the camera with a subject in the window, like a picture within a picture. Very cute! Meera, enjoy your visit in India, I hope to see lots of pictures when you get back!
Thank you Padmaja! I am finally able to post !
Heera, thank you!! I had fun planning and sketching ! That makes it special.
Thank you Katherine! I have not been as strict with myself as years past in sketching - mostly making sure I completely fill the sketchbooks !
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