Thursday, December 8, 2011

Incubation Of An Idea

A Day in the Life   page 23 Sketch Book Project color pencils

Another sketchbook page to the rescue for this post. Picking up on the text of that page - how do you solve problems?  When do you get your best ideas? 

I read today about 'Bed, Bath and Bus Theory'  -"’s the notion that the best ideas come when you least expect it, such as in the bath/shower, lying in bed or waiting for a bus." The article further stated that "we need two characteristics in particular to make incubation successful: patience and belief. Both of these are necessary for you to walk away from a problem that means a lot to you, that you really want to solve or that has a deadline."   The author of that article  Lucretia Torva concludes "One last thing to do. Assign this project to your subconscious. Literally tell your mind to take care of, then let it go. " 

I am glad to know that my coping mechanism of moving away is in a way looked upon as 'incubation of an idea' :) 


Carol Blackburn said...

Happy incubating! One thing I do to get inspired it pull out all my old watercolor paintings I never finished or didn't like how they turned out and find one element in them I do like and cut the painting down into an ACEO (mini 2-1/2 x 3-1/2 in. painting). This often gives my creativity a jump start or at least gives me a smile or two. :)

Meera Rao said...

Carol, Thanks for sharing such a neat idea!

Kalyan said...

lovely idea and the thoughts...nicely presented!

Meera Rao said...

Thanks Kalyan :) It is challenge to creatively solve problems, no?

Anonymous said...

nice thought...

thanks for sharing...

Meera Rao said...

Krishna, Thank you !

padmaja said...

Crisis is not new to me, have been dealing with it all my life at different stages of my life, I deal with it head on no matter what might be the result and then move on.. :-)

Meera Rao said...

Padmaja, thank you --thats very wise ! and brave.

irinapictures said...

I try not to jump into problem solving at once, the decision is always over-emotional this way, the problem can wait for me to cooling. But I never hide it, it just grows bigger when unsolved. Good luck!

Meera Rao said...

Irina, thats good -- I like your philosophy :)

Unknown said...

Yes, thank you for posting this! I need to let things process subconsciously for awhile too, before the solutions become clear. I like your term 'incubation'.

Meera Rao said...

Katherine, you are welcome :) Glad the post spoke to you. I too am trying my hardest to be patient and let go.

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