Monday, March 16, 2009

Promise of Color

Today was a very misty, foggy day. It rained all day and the fog just never cleared. It was a great day to go out and capture the gray world around with my camera. Official first day of spring is only four days away but the plants are  already filled with buds poised to do their thing.  All the promise of color is wrapped tightly in those tiny buds just beyond our sight. I just read an article in the latest Scientific American that we human beings are able to see the full spectrum of colors and hues because of 'trichromacy'. It was a fascinating article on how the color vision in humans evolved.  And it is amazing that I never give a second thought to something that is so unique and special to me as a human!   


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot Meera,for encouraging me.visited your blog and find it excellent.Meera,your creation is very colorful,specially I like your Photography.Natraj`s sketch is perfect,but if painted it would be more beautiful.Keep it...and pl keep contact..bye

Meera Rao said...

Thank you very much, Anurag. I am glad you like my blogposts.

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